
    Conversations Across Realms           


The concept of communicating through conversations with those who have moved from the Physical realm and into the Spiritual realm was not something I ever gave much thought to.  If I did it was primarily about what we know as prayer which to me was pretty much a one-sided conversation.  That narrow minded thinking was shattered when thoughts seemed to be flowing to me from Jeanne the woman, I had loved many years before and still love.  At first, I dismissed that it would be possible to converse with the spiritual energy of one we love.  Therefore, what was coming to me were just random ideas …Until I began to realize that the words being generated had references to situations that I would have no way of knowing the depth of detail being provided, so how could the information be originating from within me. I eventually had to consider that what was being conveyed was from a source beyond the physical elements of this realm.  This site is a culmination of extensive research and the documentation of the numerous events and spiritual conversations which have transpired over the course of five years.   SPIRITUAL CONVERSATIONS

What I have come to realize as to the importance of the Spiritual Conversations included in this document is not necessarily the content, although the content is extremely important as the words demonstrate the ability to communicate with those in the spiritual realm….but the intimacy of the words given to me reflect the ability of those we love to not just communicate but reveal that they are still very much with us….

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After decades apart something was urging me, guiding me, pushing me to find Jeanne as something was telling me she needed me with her. I finally found her…but it was not where or how I would have ever expected.  Little did I know Jeanne had taken her own life at about the time I was compelled to begin my search for her.  This site is based on our relationship and the Spiritual Conversations that have taken place both with her and what we call God.

I can’t figure out why it happened…Oh, I know what happened and I’m pretty sure I know how it happened, but I can’t understand why it happened…why Jeanne, why did we not spend our lives together…  And why Jeanne, why is it your world took such a dark turn that you needed to take your own life… When I think about the years, the days and those moments I was with you…I can still feel an all-encompassing love which together we had created…A love which had no limits, no boundaries no conditions…it just was…   

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            Diana Palm author “Death and the After life”  

…When one dies by suicide, they do not leave their problems behind…unfortunately what they are running from are about 100 times worse when they pass this way…in suicide death their problem now has been magnified and it actually appears so dark there is no source of light. There is nothing but a mass of black slow-moving blobs.  The energy is very very slow and dark there is shame sorrow and hopelessness…it is somewhere you wouldn’t want a loved one to stay…Most ghosts need a living person to help them find the light. Telling a ghost to go into the light doesn't really work, because when they chose to stay behind, they temporarily lost their connection to the light. Or, it became so dim that they cannot see it….

….best thing you could possibly do for the ghost is to heal it and send it into the light. Once the ghost has entered the light, they are no longer a ghost; the healing light lifts their vibration and transforms them into the classification of a spirit.      (insert link to reference page)

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                  Bill and Judy Guggenheim, authors of Hello from Heaven

 ….“During the seven years we researched after-death communications, we became convinced that spiritual love transcends all barriers of time and space, including death. We believe after-death communication experiences demonstrate conclusively that these bonds of love are never broken because life and love are eternal.” 

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   Kim Weaver, author of Death Is Not Goodbye

 “Your deceased loved ones can communicate through signs, symbols, synchronicities, your mental thoughts and your physical senses. You were born with the gifts of spirit. It is your birthright. Exercising your spiritual muscles and love is all you need to receive these messages.”    

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Sean….What is love but the purest form of energy in the Universe which flows from the soul of one to that of another… It is an energy created through and by love, it is a force that can’t be measured or defined. .

   As an energy created through and by love it is unlike the energy that humans focus on in terms of a measurable force that fall under the Law of Conservation of Energy also known as the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy of a closed system must remain constant it can neither increase nor decrease without interference from the outside, and the Universe is a closed system…at least that is how humans approach Creation. However,  the energy of the Spiritual or what is termed Love, is not contained or restricted by the same principles.  Love can and does create new energy as it is not a closed system such as humans have defined the physical universe to be.  Some of the same attributes of the energy of Love do apply as it cannot be destroyed although as in the physical it can weaken and will dissipate if it is not able to be released from the physical elements of the Universe.  In other words when one passes from a physical state to that of a spiritual state their energy does not go away.  But if the physical realm  has and continues to adversely affect one’s energy as it moves into an environment which exists well beyond the principles of the physical world, the strength of that energy can fade.  However, the inverse is also a fundamental element of creation, when energy flowing from the spiritual or physical  has and continues to affect one in the spiritual as a positive and loving force the energy of the one who has moved into the spiritual will gain strength and healing.  SPIRITUAL CONVERSATIONS

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