
The Energy Of God

leading people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus

What is this Web Site all about?

This web site was developed as a vehicle to provide a way to give access to the number of writings which came about during and after my Spiritual Conversations with God and Jesus.  I, as I suspect many of us, have throughout our lives questioned either our purpose in life as it relates to our existence here on Earth or to that of God's plan in general.  Over the course of time I decided I would go directly to the source and ask God and Jesus for answers to questions and guidance about things and happenings in this world that sometimes just don't make sense.  There will be those that will question the validity of these writings but I guess that is their prerogative.  The fact is I have no other agenda in giving access to these papers, other than to hopefully provide a look into God and Jesus and their involvement in our lives.  
    You see, God and Jesus are not to be viewed as distant, uninvolved or unapproachable but very much the opposite.  They seek relationships with each of us much like a parent does with their child, but even more loving, if that is even possible. What you will find contained in these writings is a view into who I am and the struggles I have faced in trying to align myself more closely with the spiritual verses the material world.  There are many who are definitely closer to God than I, and perhaps you will find some further enlightenment in what is written, but these writings are mainly for those who are much like me and searching for answers as to how to overcome the Earthly bindings which prevent us from being the individuals God meant us to be.


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